The Best Things in Life Are Rescued
Life is Better Logo Photo of Cooper

Adoption Weekend

We couldn't have had another successful adoption event without the amazing work of our volunteers, foster homes, adopters, and our partners at PetSmart. Here are the happy faces of the 11 cats and 13 dogs that found their forever homes, thanks to all of you!

collage of animals adopted at PetSmart

Meet Zuke

photo of zuke the cat

When Zuke arrived to rescue just a few weeks ago, we knew right away something wasn't right. He was withdrawn, sensitive, and showed classic signs that indicated his mouth was bothering him. Luckily, our team's experience led us to believe it was stomatitis, and a visit to one of our vets confirmed our suspicions were correct. We immediately scheduled a follow up visit with our primary vet to evaluate Zuke's overall condition and prognosis. Thankfully, his blood work and comprehensive exam indicated no other underlying health problems and their skilled surgical team proceeded with a complete dental extraction.

At just under two weeks post-procedure, Zuke is feeling a million times better, and presents as an entirely different cat. You'll likely find him requesting full body pets, scarfing his food or lounging on the cushy beds our volunteers lovingly assemble for him each day. It makes us so happy to see him feeling his best, and with a long life ahead of him!

We're grateful for the opportunity to provide Zuke with the immediate care he needed, and the chance at his very own forever family once he has recovered a little bit longer. In total, his veterinary care over the last three weeks has exceeded $1,500. Well worth the investment, but a hit to our already stretched medical budget.

If you are looking to honor a beloved, human or animal, consider a small tax-deductible contribution to Life is Better Rescue to support sweet kiddos like Zuke.

Thank you for helping us help them! Happy Valentine's Day!

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Doggone Good Coffee

Grounds and Hounds

Coffee lovers unite! The team at Life is Better Rescue is all fueled up and pumped to share that we've officially joined the Grounds & Hounds Coffee Co. Grounds Crew. Grounds & Hounds offers premium coffee blends and canine-inspired merchandise that gives back to rescues like ours with each purchase.

As a special treat for our supporters, you can head to the Grounds & Hounds website and use the code LifeIsBetter for 15% off your purchase. By entering our code, Life is Better Rescue will receive 10% on all new and future orders!

Go forth and caffeinate!